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Walter Holland (November 11, 1953- ) holds a Ph.D. in English Literature from The City University of New York. He is the author of three poetry collections: Circuit (Chelsea Station Editions, 2010)  Transatlantic (Painted Leaf Press, 2001) and A Journal of the Plague Years: Poems 1979-1992 (Magic City Press, 1992). His novel, The March, was published in October, 1996 by Masquerade Books and a second revised edition was published by Chelsea Station Editions in 2011. A forthcoming book of poems “Reconstruction” will be published by Finishing Line Press in August of 2021.


His dissertation on American gay poetry since World War II received the 1998 Paul Monette Dissertation Award. He also holds an M. A. in Creative Writing (Poetry) from City College. In January 1996 he received honorable mention in poetry for the 1995 David Lindahl  Memorial Prize for Poetry, sponsored by The James White Review. In November, 1996, he lectured at The Stonewall Center, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. His topic was “Gay Poetry from 1945 to the Present.” In 1997 he was a presenter at Allegheny College in Meadville, PA as part of an academic conference entitled “History and Memory: Gay and Lesbian Literature Since World War II.” In March, 1999, he was keynote speaker at the first Annual Provincetown Poetry Festival. His lecture was entitled “A History of Gay Poetry.”


He currently lives in New York City on Manhattan’s Upper West Side with his husband whom he met in 1987, Howard Frey (March 28, 1950-). They were legally married April 18, 2012 in New York City. Previously they received their Certificate of Domestic Partnership from the City of New York on March 4, 1993 when it first became available.


Born in Queens, New York, he was raised in Lynchburg, Virginia, having moved there when he was 1 years old. He attended Bard College in Annandale-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.  from 1972 to 1976 where he took a B.A. in Dance and Literature. After college he danced in New York City. He returned to Virginia in 1980 to take pre-requisites toward an M. S. degree in Physical Therapy at Columbia University. He completed his studies at Columbia in 1985. Later in 1991 he obtained an M.A. in Creative Writing (Poetry) from City College, where he studied under Ann Lauterbach and William Matthews. In 1998 he received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the City University of New York, The Graduate Center. He has studied poetry privately with William Matthews, Alfred Corn, Nancy Schoenberger and Grace Schulman. He worked for most of his adult life by day as a Physical Therapist but in addition taught for 10 years as an Adjunct Professor of English Literature at both The New School and Eugene Lang College, now part of The New School university system. 


His poetry has appeared in numerous publications including most recently in 2020 and 2021 in Exquisite Pandemic, HIV Here and Now, Cutbank Literary Journal, About Place Journal, and Mollyhouse. In previous years his poems have been published in Antioch Review, Art and Understanding, Barrow Street, Bay Windows, Body Positive, Christopher Street, Chiron Review, Cimarron Review, The Cream City Review, Found Object, Men’s Style, Pegasus, Phoebe,  Poets for Life:76 Poets Respond to AIDS, Redivider, Rhino, The George Mason Review, The Harvard Gay & Lesbian  Review , The James White Review, The Literary Review, The Piedmont Literary Review, Provincetown Magazine, and William and Mary Review and has been featured on B.B.C. Radio. His poetry has also appeared in the British anthology of AIDS poetry, Jugular Defenses: an AIDS Anthology (The Oscars Press of London); and The Columbia Anthology of Gay Literature. He provided editorial assistance on Assotto Saint's last book of poetry, Wishing for Wings. He has written book reviews and essays for Lambda Book Report and The James White Review and most recently he has reviewed in 2020 and 2021 for Lambda Literary Review, Pleiades, and Rain Taxi . His article, “The Calamus Root: American Gay Poetry 1945 to the Present,” was featured in the Spring, 1998 issue of The Journal of Homosexuality (a special issue of the journal entitled “History and Memory: Gay and Lesbian Literature Since World War II”) and later anthologized in Sonja L. Jones’ Gay and Lesbian Literature Since World War II: History and Memory. In April 2002, his essay, “Queer Body of Verse: Gay & Lesbian  Poetry in These Times,” appeared in Lambda Book Report. In April 2000, an essay regarding the history of AIDS poetry appeared in  Body Positive. The essay was entitled: “A Poetry of Crisis, A Poetry of Witness.”


Holland cowrote with Ted Kociolek the libretto and book for a musical adaptation of Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence based on Holland’s original idea. The musical received two staged readings in 2009 and 2010 respectively at the York Theatre at Saint Peter’s Church in New York City and was featured in The Annual Florida Festival of New Musicals in Winter Park Florida at the Winter Park Playhouse in 2017.


His short stories have been published in Art and Understanding, Harrington Gay Men’s Fiction Quarterly, and the anthology Rebel Yell. A memoir piece appears in Mama’s Boy: Gay Men Writing About Their Mothers (Painted Leaf Press, 2000).


Spring, 2002, he participated on academic panels at The Graduate Center, C.U.N.Y. (a discussion of poetics in the New York School ). He read at The Ear Inn as part of a World Aids Day commemoration in 2002.  Also that year he read with Charles Martin at Fordham University in their Poets-Out-Loud series. His poem “The Merchant of Grief,” which was recommended for a Pushcart Prize, was published in Art & Understanding magazine in 2021. He is currently at work on a three-part memoir of his childhood in Lynchburg, Virginia; his dance years in New York City in the seventies; and his many personal years in New York City around the literary and arts community.





Walter Holland's papers, memorabilia, unpublished works, may be found at The LGBT Community Center National History Archive located at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Community Center on West 13th Street in New York City. Contact person is Lou McCarthy, Archivist,


His "A Personal History of LGBTQ+ Life in Lynchburg, Virginia From The Seventies to the Nineties" with photos, was donated in 2023 to The Lynchburg Museum at the Old Courthouse in both hard copy and digital formats.

An early memoir piece by Walter Holland's about his boyhood in Lynchburg, Virginia and his family history and later life was also donated in 2021 to the museum. More info at  Contact person was Ted Delaney, Director.


Additionally, his "AIDS in Lynchburg, the 1980s, 1990s and Beyond" is also was donated in digital and hard copy formats  with The Lynchburg Museum at the Old Courthouse in 2023.


"A Timeline of the LGBTQ+ History in Lynchburg, Virginia in the  1970s, 1980s, 1990s" and a "Timeline of the AIDS Epidemic in Lynchburg, Virginia" were also donated in 2023 to The Lynchburg Museum at the Old Courthouse in both digital and hard copy formats.


All of the above documents were additionally donated to the "Southwest Virginia LGBTQ+ History Project" archive.  Visit:   Contact person was Dr. G. Samantha Rosenthal, Professor of History at Roanoke College, Salem.


Walter Holland's unpublished dance memoir of his life in the dance scene of the 1970s and early 1980s in NYC, entitled "Lofts, Sweatpants, Run, Leap: A Dancer in New York City: Modern and Postmodern Dance From One Dancer’s Perspective 1970 - 2020" was donated in 2023 in both digital and hard copy formats to The Jerome Robbins Dance Division of The New York Public Library, along with physical materials about the Graham dancer Helen McGehee and her husband sculptor and artist Rafael Alfonso Umaña Mendez.


Walter Holland's books are to be found at the General Research Division of The New York Public Library Main Branch, Fifth Avenue, NYC.








Walter R. Holland




            February, 1998. PhD English. (Spring, 1991 – Fall, 1997).

            CUNY, Graduate Center, New York. Dissertation: “The Calamus Root: 

             American Gay Poetry Since World War II”   


            February, 1991. M.A. Creative Writing (Poetry). (Spring, 1989 – Fall, 1991). The City

            College, CUNY, New York.


            Spring, 1988. Novel Writing Workshop with Sherril

            Jaffee, The New School, New York.


            Winter, 1988. Tutorial in poetry with William Matthews.


            Spring/ Summer/ Fall, 1987. Poetry Tutorial with Nancy Schoenberger.


            Winter, 1987. Poetry Tutorial with Grace Schulman.


            Fall, 1986. Poetry Workshop with Alfred Corn.


            May, 1985. MS Physical Therapy. Columbia University, New York.


            Fall, 1972 – Spring, 1976. BA Literature and Dance. Bard College, N.Y.

            Studies fiction writing with Mary Lee Settle.




            May, 1998 - The Paul Monette Dissertation Award - presented

            by the faculty of the Graduate Center, CUNY


            January,1996 - Honorable Mention in poetry for the

            1995 David Lindahl Memorial Prize for Poetry, sponsored

            by The James White Review.  




            Fall, 2010. P/T Faculty. The New School. NYC. “Beat Poetry.”


            Spring, 2009. P/T Faculty. The New School. NYC. “British Romantic Poetry.”


            Fall, 2008. P/T Faculty. The New School. NYC. “Contemporary American Poetry.”


            Spring, 2007. P/T Faculty. The New School. NYC. “American Poetry After Modernism”


            Fall, 2007. P/T Faculty. The New School. NYC. “Beat Poetry”                                                                           


            Summer, 2007. P/T Faculty. The New School. NYC “20th C. American Poetry”


            Spring, 2007. P/T Faculty. The New School. NYC “Americans in Paris”


            Summer, 2006. P/T Faculty. The New School. NYC “Beat Poetry.”


            Spring, 2005. P/T Faculty. The New School, NYC. “Beat Poetry.”


            Fall 2004. P/T Faculty. The New School, NYC. “Twentieth Century American Poetry.”


            Spring, 2004. P/T Faculty. Eugene Lang College. NYC. “Two American Masters: Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson


            Spring 2004. P/T Faculty. The New School. “American Poetry After Modernism”


             Fall, 2003. P/T Faculty. Eugene Lang College. “Desire, Sex, Race, Gender: American 

             Poetry in the Eighties and Nineties”


            Spring 2003-Spring 2005. Degree Committee Member. Individualized Master of Arts Degree program. Antioch                           University: McGregor. P/T appointment. 


            Spring, 2003. P/T Faculty. The New School. NYC. Course on American Poetry:

            “Two American Masters: Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson”


            Fall, 2002. P/T Faculty. The New School. NYC. Course on American Poetry:

            “American Poetry After Modernism.”


            March, 2002. Great Lakes College. Guest Poet. New York City college

            extension campus. Dean Kostos, moderator. 


            March, 2002. The Graduate Center, CUNY. 7th Annual English Students’ Association

            Conference. “Reflections in the Mirror: New York Mirrors: James Schuyler, Frank

            O’Hara, and James Merrill, 1950-1960,” Panelist participant.  Moderated by 

            Christopher Voigt with Eileen Myles, Maggie Nelson, Rebecca Reilly.


            February, 2002. “Southern Gay Writing.” New York: The Lesbian, Gay and

            Bisexual Community Center. Panelist.  


            Fall Term, 2001. Faculty. The New School. New York City. Course on American

            Poetry: “American Poetry After Modernism.”


             Spring Term, 2001. Faculty. The New School. New York City. Course on  American Poetry:  “Sex, Desire, Gender, Race              and the Body: American Poetry in the Eighties and Nineties.”


            Fall Term, 2000. Faculty. The New School. New York City. Course on American

            Poetry: “American Poetry After Modernism.”


            March, 1999. Keynote Speaker. First Annual Provincetown Poetry Festival.


            June 18, 1997. Panelist. “Writers on Writers.”  Sponsored by Publishing

            Triangle, Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, N.Y.


            April 11-13, 1997. Presenter. Allegheny College, Meadville, PA.

            “History and Memory: Gay and Lesbian Literature Since World War II.”


            November, 1996. Lecture. The Stonewall Center. U. of Mass.

            At Amherst. “Gay Poetry from 1945 to the Present.”


            Summer, 1995. Teacher. G.M.H.C. Poetry Workshop, New York.


            Spring, 1995. Presenter: “A Panel Discussion on the

            Centennial of Oscar Wilde.” Out Write '95, Boston.


            Spring, 1994. Presenter: “Poetry and Mentorship.” Out Write '94, Boston.


            Fall, 1981. Teacher. Workshop in Fiction Writing, Randolph-Macon

            Women’s College, Lynchburg, Virginia.


Publication Credits


            Fiction and Poetry Books


            Fall, 2021. Reconstruction. Poetry by Walter Holland. Finishing Line Press. 


            Spring, 2011. The March.  Novel by Walter Holland. Chelsea Station Editions.


            Fall, 2010. Circuit, Poetry by Walter Holland. New York: Chelsea Station Editions.


            Fall, 2001. Transatlantic. Poetry by Walter Holland. New York: Painted Leaf Press.


            October, 1996. The March.   Novel by Walter Holland. New York:

            Masquerade Books.


            November-December, 1992. A Journal of the Plague Years: Poems

            1979-1992 by Walter Holland. New York: Magic City Press 


            Fiction and Poetry Anthologies


            2019. "Not someone that I knew." "Hospital." A Day Without Art: Special Anniversary Edition, December 1, 2019.                       Pandemonium Press. 


           2019. "Midnight Cowboy, X Rating." ImageOutWrite. Jessica Heatly, ed. ImageOut, Vol. 8.


          Spring, 2019. "Kickline." "Sylvia Rivera at the Docks." Stonewall's Legacy: A Poetry Anthology. Local Gems Press.


          Spring, 2019. "Breaking the Spell (for Yves Lubin, aka Assotto Saint 1957-1994),""For Justin Chin (1969-2015)," "Rue de           Seurs (after Constantine Cavafy (1863-1933)." Lovejets: Queer Male Poets on 200 Years of Walt Whitman. Squares &               Rebels, Minneapolis. 


          2012. “Marlene Dietrich” Divining Divas: 100 Gay Poets on Their Muses by Michael Montlack (Editor), Lethe Press.


          2017. Transition: Poems in the Aftermath. “The Ship of State.” Indolent Books.


          2009. “Winter Day.” A Joyous Season.  Gay Baines and Mary Ann Eichelberger, eds.

          July Literary Press


           2009, “Fire Island Sonnets” Ganymede.


           2009. Poetic Voices Without Borders II. Robert L. Giron, ed. Arlington: Gival Press. 


           2008. “Marlene Dietrich: Falling in Love Again.” Diva Complex. University of Wisconsin Press.


           2008. Poetic Voices Without Borders I. Robert L. Giron. ed. Arlington: Gival Press.


          2006. Hurricane Blues: Poems about Katrina and Rita . Philip C. Kolin and Susan Swartwout, eds. Cape Girardeau:                   Southeast Missouri State University Press. “The Yellow School Buses.” 


           2005. Poetic Voices Without Borders. Robert L. Giron, ed. Arlington: Gival Press.

           Poem. “Terror Travels.”


            2005. Blues for Bill . Kurt Brown, Meg Kearney, Donna Reis, and Estha Weiner, eds.

            Akron, Ohio: The University of Akron Press. Poem. “The Poet Speaks of Italy.”


            2004. I Do/I Don’t: Queers on Marriage. Greg Wharton and Ian Philips, eds. San Francisco:

            Suspect Thoughts Press.  Essay: “ . . . The Second Time Around.” 


            2004. Walking Higher: Gay Men Write About the Deaths of Their Mothers. Alexander Renault, ed.

            Xlibris. Memoir. “The Other Side of Camelot.” 


            2004. Bend, Don’t Shatter .T. Cole Rachel and Rita D. Costello, eds. New York: Soft Skull Press.

            Poem: “Black Water Creek.”


          Fall, 2003.” Introduction” Slow Dissolve. Poems by Steven Cordova. Moraga, CA: St. Mary’s College of California:                       Momotombo Press. 


         Fall, 2003.  In Love United. Tycho Thal, Ed. Provincetown: 9.11 National Peace Poetry Project. Poetry. “New York, October          3, 2001.”


         June, 2003. Some Floating, Some Fallen. Orcutt, CA: Fountain Mountain Press

         “Of Limbo and Purgatory.” Memoir.


         Spring, 2000. Mama’s Boy: Gay Men Write About Their Mothers. “Southern Exposure: A Memoir of my Mother.” Painted            Leaf Press. 


         Fall, 1999. When Love Lasts Forever: Male Couples Celebrate Commitment. Edited by

         Merle James Yost. Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press. “Holding Tight to Our Love,” p.138. 


        Spring, 1999. “Laramie, Wyoming, 1998.” Poem. Blood & Tears: Poems for Matthew Shepard. Edited by Scott Gibson.                 New York: Painted Leaf Press, 1999. p. 58.


         May, 1998. The Columbia Anthology of Gay Literature. Ed. Byrne S. Fone,

          New York: Columbia University Press. Poetry. “Christopher Street 1979.”

           p. 774. “A Journal of the Plague Years.” p. 801.


            1994. Jugular Defenses: an AIDS Anthology, Ed. by

            Peter Daniels and Steve Anthony. The Oscars Press,

            London. Poetry: "Angel of Morphine," p.61; "Gay

            Rights March, 1987," p.104. 


            1989. Poets for Life: Seventy-Six Poets Respond to AIDS .

            Editor: Michael Klein. Crown Publishers, Inc., New York,

            1989. “Petrarch,” p.109.


Articles and Essays        


              March 2021. "When Pandemics End: The Lazarus Effect." Online Feature. Here's My Story: Gay & Lesbian Review. 


               Summer, 2014. RFD. Issue 158. "A Memory of Yves Lubin, aka Assotto Saint." pp. 35-37. 


               Spring 2010. “Camp Figures of American Television in the Sixties and Seventies” Queers in American 

                Popular Culture. ABC-CLIO Press.


              Winter 2008. Book Review. “Bright Young People: The Lost Generation of London’s Jazz Age” by D.J. Taylor. Gay &                     Lesbian Review Worldwide.


            Fall 2008. “Art Memo: Bette Midler in Las Vegas.” Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide.


            Spring/Summer 2002. The James White Review. Vol.19, No. 2&3. 

            Commentary. “Tributes to John Wieners.”


             April 2002. Lambda Book Report. Vol. 10.09. “Queer Body of Verse: Gay & Lesbian   Poetry in These Times.” Essay. p.              6-8. 


            April, 2000.  Body Positive. Vol. XIII, No. 4. “A Poetry of Crisis, A Poetry of Witness.” Essay. 


           January, 2000. A Sea of Stories: Gay and Lesbian Narratives. The Haworth Press.

           “In the Body’s Ghetto.” Essay/Literary Criticism.


            Spring, 1998. Gay and Lesbian literature Since World War II: History and Memory.

              Ed. Sonya L. Jones, New York: Haworth Press. “The Calamus Root: A Study of

            American Gay Poetry Since World War II” Essay by Walter Holland. 


            Spring, 1998. The Journal of Homosexuality. Vol. 34. No. 3-4. Essay. “The Calamus Root: American gay male poetry                   from 1945 to the present,” pp. 5-25.


            Fall, 1994. The James White Review. Vol.11/No.5.

            Prose: “Yves Lubin -- a.k.a. Assotto Saint: A Memorial,”

            p.12; Poem: “Examining Rooms,” p.16.


Short Fiction



            2005. “The Clearing” (excerpt from unpublished novel, “The Orchard.”) Harrington Gay Men’s Fiction Quarterly. Vol. 7.                  No. 1.


            2002. Excerpt from novel, “Summer of Love.” Harrington Gay Men’s Fiction

            Quarterly. Vol. 4. No. 3. 


            March, 2000. Harrington’s Gay Men’s Fiction Quarterly. Vol. 1. No. 4. Short Story. “Night in Mykonos.” The Haworth                      Press, 1999.


            May/June, 1993. Art and Understanding: The International

             Magazine of Literature & Art About AIDS. Vol. 2, No. 2.

             Short Story entitled “In the Airport,” p.22.     






May, 2021. "Poland." "Geographies of Justice." About Place Journal. Vol. VI, Issue III.


March, 29, 2021. "The Merchant of Grief" A&U: America's AIDS Magazine. Positively Literary. Online. 


March 10, 2021. "Plague Years." A&U: America's AIDS Magazine. Positively Literary. Online. 


February, 2021. "Proust Redux," "For Luis Nunez," "My Life in Fashion (As it Were),""The Doctor," "Ode to Dawn Wells." Exquisite Pandemic .


December, 2020. " December, 2020. "A Meditation Reaching 67." Exquisite Pandemic.


December, 2020. "What it is to Be a Talker to Ghosts?" HIV Here  and Now: Poems for AIDS Awareness Month, December 3, 2020.


November 2020. "Three Loves," "Pulse," "Gay New York." Cutbank Literary Journal. All Accounts & Mixtures Feature.


October, 2020. "Bar on 52nd," "1619, The White Lion, Point Comfort, Va." About Place Journal. Vol. VI. Issue II.


June, 2020. "Halston." "Egyptian." Mollyhouse. Issue One. Edited by Raymond Luczak. Squares & Rebels, Minneapolis, MN. 


Winter, February, 2020. "Symphony." The Decadent Review.


Winter 2019/20. "For William Matthews." Poetrybay.                


December, 2019. "Not someone that I knew." "Hospital." A Day Without Art: 30th Anniversary Special Edition, December 1, 2019.  Pandemonium Press. 


September, 2019. "Midnight Cowboy, X Rating." ImageOutWrite. Vol. 8. 


 Summer, 2019. "Fanning the Flames." RFD: Direct Action/Stonewall 50. Vol. 45, No. 4, Issue 178.


Fall, 2019. "For Doris Day." Impossible Archetype: A Journal of LGBTQ + POETRY. Issue 6.


January, 2019. "Cryptocracy." What Rough Beast. Indolent Books. Poem for January 24,2019. 


January, 2019. "What Say You?" What Rough Beast. Indolent Books. Poem for July 25, 2018.


January, 2019. "Dismemberment." What Rough Beast. Indolent Books. Poem for July 18, 2018.


January, 2019. "Taking Cover." What Rough Beast. Indolent Books. Poem for July 11, 2018.


October, 2018. "Dybbuks." What Rough Beast. Indolent Books.   


October, 2018. "The truth is a form of resistance." What Rough Beast. Indolent Books. 


Summer, 2018. "Calle Pelayo." Poem. Chelsea Station Magazine.


Winter, 2018. "The Shore," "The Chinese Pillows." Cimarron Review. Issue 202.


May, 2017. "Imagine My Body." Poem. The Good Men Project. 


May, 2017. "Hermit Cake." Poem. About Place Journal. Vol. IV. Issue III. 


January, 2017. "The Ship of State." Poem. Transition: Poems in the Aftermath. Indolent Books. 


March, 2015. “Camden.” Poem. Chelsea Station Magazine. 


March, 2014. “The Boy in the Middle.” Poem. Chelsea Station Magazine. 


March, 2014. "Approaching Sixty" Chelsea Station Magazine. 


March, 2014. “Physique.” Poem. Chelsea Station Magazine. 


March, 2011. "Swimming." Poem. COME HEAR! No. 5. 


Spring, 2010. "the walkways." Poem. Mary: A Literary Quarterly for Homosexuals.


Winter, 2008. “The Beat Hotel.” Poem. Van Gogh’s Ear. 


Summer, 2007. Windy City Times: Annual Literary Supplement. :Poem: “Did You Know?”


 Fall, 2005. BLOOM. Vol.2, No.2. Poem: “Freud’s Trunk.”


 Spring, 2005. Cream City Review. Vol. 29.2. Poem: “World AIDS Day, 2003.”


 Spring, 2005. Redivider. Poem: “Three Reality Shows.”


 Summer, 2005. Apalachee Review. #55. Poem. “The Architecture of Living.”p.33.


  Fall, 2004. Pegasus.   Poem. “Sammy Davis.” 


Fall, 2004. The Antioch Review. Vol. 62, No. 4. Poem. “Why I Am Not in the Ice Capades.”


2004. Rhino. Poem: “Ed White.”


Fall, 2004. Chiron Review.  Poems: “For Alan Dugan and Edward Field,” “Eileen at Fifty,” “Patrick and Lynn.”


April 18-24, 2002. Provincetown Magazine. Vol. 25. Issue #3. Poems: “Spring in New York,” “Mount   Fuji.” p. 30.


January-February, 2002. The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide. Vol. VIII, No. 6. Poetry. “Steven at 50.” p. 44.


 Summer, 2001. Bay Windows. Poetry. “Von Gloeden” 


Spring, 2001. The William and Mary Review. Vol. 39. Poetry. “Mount Fuji,” “Smith Mountain, 1969,” and “Pinned.” P. 34.


Spring, 2001. Barrow Street. Poetry. “The Visible Man.” 


August, 2000. Bay Windows. Vol.18, No. 34. Poetry. “Boys at Play.” p. 11.


December, 1999. Bay Windows. Vol. 17, No. 50.  Poetry. “Ativan.”  P. 11.


September, 1999. Body Positive. Vol. XII. No. 9. Poetry.  “The Drag Performance. 14.


September, 1999. Provincetown Magazine. Vol. 18. No. 26.


Summer, 1999. The James White Review. Vol. 16. No. 3. Poetry. “The International,” and “Chartres.”

p. 41.


Fall, 1998. Barrow Street. Vol. 1. No. 1. Poetry. “Boulevard Haussmann.” p. 41.


July, 1998. Bay Windows. Vol. 16, No. 32. Poetry. “First Tea.” p.34.


July, 1998. Body Positive. Vol. XI, No. 7. Poetry. “Dinner, Ulster County 1995.” p. 28.


October 16, 1997. Bay Windows. Vol. 15, No. 43.

Poetry. “The Wrinkle Bar.” p. 39.


September 11, 1997. Bay Windows. Vol.15, No.38.

Poetry. “Reprieve.” p. 45.


August 7-August 13,1997. Bay Windows. Vol.15,No.33.

 Poetry. “Thanksgiving,” p. 30.


Spring/Summer, 1997. The James White Review. Issue 52, Vol.14,

no.2. Poetry. “The Tar Pits, L.A.” p.11.


Spring,1997. The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review. Vol. IV, No.2.

Poetry. “Paul.” p.42.


July 25 - July 31,1996. Bay Windows. Vol.14, No. 31. Poetry. “Desert Palms.” 


Fall, 1996. The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review. Vol. III, No. 4.

 Poetry. “The Unveiling (For Hennie Frey).” p.21.


 Summer, 1996. The James White Review. Issue 48 (vol.13, no. 3). Poetry.

 “Julius’ 1980.”


 March, 1996. Men’s Style magazine. Poetry: “Sheet Lightning,”p.92.


Spring/ Summer, 1995. The James White Review. Vol.12/ No.2.Poetry: “Lisbon, Oct.1994,” “For Stan Leventhal,”



Spring,1994. Found Object. Issue 3. Poems: “Mornings

After Sargent,”  “The Lost Diva,”  “At the Morning Party,”

pp. 61-63.  


April 22, 1993. Bay Windows. Poem. “Gay Rights March, 1987.”p.25. 


September/October, 1992. Art and Understanding: The 

International Magazine of Literature & Art About AIDS.

 Vol. 1, No. 5. , Albany, N.Y.. Poems included: “Easter

 in Washington,” “The Road to Emmaus,” “Stephen's Illness,”

 “Journal of the Plague Years,” and “The NAMES Project, San

 Francisco 1989,” p.16.


 August, 1987. Christopher Street magazine. N.Y., N.Y. 

Vol. 10, No. 5, Issue 113. “Sunday Morning, New York 1987,” p.58. 


Spring, 1982. Prism. (Lynchburg, Virginia: Lynchburg College)

 Vol. XLV, No. 1. Selected Poetry: “To Franz Wiederkind,”

  “Anatomy Lesson,” “For Annie Dillard,” “Poems for Marsden

  Hartley,” “Beat,” “For Bruce,” “In Memory of Viet Nam,”

  “Sometimes I Put on My Beach Sunglasses,” “Parable,”

  “For Georgia O'Keefe,” “Passage,” “Spin,” “Nova,” and 

  “Just Before Autumn” pp.1,11,12,18,21,22,25,44,45,52,

  59,67,69 respectively.


 Fall, 1982. The Piedmont Literary Review. (Danville, Va.).

Vol. VII, Issue No. IV, 1982. “For Annie Dillard,”p.1.


Fall, 1982. The Literary Review. (Fairleigh Dickinson

 University, Madison, N.J.). Vol. 26, No. 1.

“For Franz Kline,” p.119, “For Georgia O'Keefe,” p.1

and “Poems for Marsden Hartley,” p.121.


1982. Phoebe, The George Mason Review. (George Mason University:

Fairfax, Va.). Vol. 11, No. 2&3, “Nova,” p.44, and “Anatomy Lesson,” p.45.       





Fall, 2022. "Drive" by Elaine Sexton. The Los Angeles Review.

LA Review online. 


Fall, 2022. "John Keene: New & Selected Poems." Rain Taxi.

Print Issue. Vol. 27. No. 3. (#107).  


Fall, 2021. "Études" by Friederike Mayröcker. Rain Taxi. Online Edition.


Fall, 2021. "SEE/SAW: Looking at Photographs" by Geoff Dyer. Rain Taxi. Vol. 26, No. 3. p. 26. Print.


April, 24, 2021. "Shoreditch" by Miguel Murphy. The Lambda Literary Review.


March 23, 2021. "The Recent East" by Tom Grattan. The Lambda Literary Review. 


Winter, 2020. "Pale Colors in a Tall Field" by Carl Phillips. Rain Taxi. Print Edition. Volume 25. Number 4. 


Fall, 2020. "Daddy Offers a Warm and Tender Exploration of Masculinity." "Daddy" by Michael Montlack. NYQ Books. Lambda Literary.


Summer, 2020. "A Voice of the Warm: The Life of Rod McKuen" by Barry  Alfonso. Online edition. Rain Taxi. 


Summer, 2020. "The Shadow of Vesuvius: A Life of Pliny." by Daisy Dunn. Print edition. Rain Taxi. Vol. 25, No. 2, (#98). p. 24.


Spring, 2020. "Nervous System." By Rosalie Moffett. Print edition. Rain Taxi. Volume 25, Number 1. p. 40.


Winter, 2020. "Crashing Cathedrals Honors the Brilliance of Edmund White." Crashing Cathedrals: Edmund White By the Book.” Edited by Tom Cardamone. Itna Press. Lambda Literary.


Winter, 2020. "13th Balloon" by Mark Bibbins. Copper Canyon Press. Lambda Literary.


Fall, 2019. "At the Last Minute" by Estha Weiner. Online edition. Rain Taxi.


Summer, 2019. "Walter Holland on Betty Adcock's “Rough Figure." "Walter Holland on Martha Collins's “Night Unto Night." "Walter Holland on Jim Harrison's “Dead Man's Float" Pleiades: Literature in Context. Volume 39, Issue 2.


\Winter, 2019. "On Trinidad's Swinging on a Star." (pp. 191-198). "Deep Well” by Dan Bellm." (pp. 208-210). Pleiades: Literature in Context. Volume 39, Issue 1. 


Spring, 2019. "When Brooklyn Was Queer" by Hugh Ryan. Lambda Literary. 


Winter, 2019. "Not Everything Thrown Starts a Revolution" by Stephen S. Mills. Lambda Literary. 


Fall, 2018. "We Go Seasonal" by Robert Siek. Lambda Literary.


Summer, 2018. "Tinder Box: The Untold Story of the Up Stairs Lounge Fire and the Rise of Gay Liberation" by Robert W. Fieseler. Lambda Literary. 


Summer, 2018. "The New Negro: The Life of Alain Locke" by Jeffrey C. Stewart. Lambda Literary.


Spring, 2018. "Seed" by David Eye. Lambda Literary.


Winter, 2018. "Lowly" by Alan Felsenthal. Lambda Literary.  


Winter, 2018. "The World Only Spins Forward: The Ascent of Angels in America" By Isaac Butler and Dan Kois Lambda Literary.      


Fall 2017. "Sycamore" by Kathy Fagan. Pleiades Book Review. Volume 15, Issue 1.


Fall 2017. "Cold Pastoral" by Rebecca Dunham. Pleiades Book Review. Volume 15, Issue 1.


Fall 2017. "The Heart's Invisible Furies" by John Boyne. Lambda Literary. 


Summer 2017. "Adrienne Rich: Collected Poems: 1950-2012" Edited by Pablo Conrad. Pleiades Book Review. Volume 14, Issue 2.


Summer 2017. "Prospect/Refuge" by Elaine Sexton. Pleiades Book Review. Volume 14, Issue 2.


Summer 2017. "Jagged Tune" by Rob Talbert. Pleiades Book Review. Volume 14, Issue 2.


Winter, 2017. "Don't Go Back to Sleep" by Timothy Liu. Pleiades Book Review. Volume 14, Issue 1. 


March 23, 2017. "Breakup/Breakdown" by Charles Jensen. Lambda Literary. 


March 15, 2017. "Who Killed Piet Barol?" by Richard Mason. Lambda Literary. 


January 25, 2017. "DNA Hymn" by Annah Anti-Palindrome. Lambda Literary. 


January 10, 2017. "A Very English Scandal: Sex, Lies, and a Murder Plot at the Heart of the Establishment" by John Preston. Lambda Literary.     


December 29, 2016. “One of These Things First” by Steven Gaines. Lambda Literary.


December 13, 2016. “When We Rise: My Life in the Movement” by Cleve Jones. Lambda Literary. 


November 16, 2016. “Detainee” by Miguel Murphy. Lambda Literary.


September 28, 2016. “Two Men Rowing Madly Toward Infinity” by William Reichard. Lambda Literary.


July 27, 2016. “Marlene” by C.W. Gortner. Lambda Literary. 


July 13, 2016. “Are You Here For What I’m Here For?” by Brian Booker. Lambda Literary. 


June 12, 2016. “Cursed Legacy: The Tragic Life of Klaus Mann” by Frederic Spotts. Lambda Literary.


April 27, 2016. “True Homosexual Experiences: Boyd McDonald and Straight to Hell” by William E. Jones. Lambda Literary.


​March 10, 2016. “Master of Ceremonies: A Memoir” by Joel Grey. Lambda Literary. 


January 31, 2016. “The Gilded Razor” by Sam Lansky. Lambda Literary. 


January 11, 2016. “Phillip Sparrow Tells All” by Samuel Steward. Lambda Literary. 


November 12, 2015. "Romaine Brooks: A Life" by Cassandra Langer. Lambda Literary. 


2014. "Sympathetic Magic" by Amy Fleury. Pleiades. Volume 34, Number 2.


August 4, 2013. “Companion Grasses” by Brian Teare. Lambda Literary. 


May 26, 2013. “The Right Place to Jump” by Peter Corvino. Lambda Literary. 


January 30, 2013. “Looking for The Gulf Motel” by Richard Blanco. Lambda Literary. 


July 21, 2012. “The Weary World Rejoices” by Steve Fellner. Pleiades. 33.1. pp. 167-170. 


July 21, 2012. “Dhaka Dust” by Dilruba Ahmed. Pleiades. 33.1. pp. 149-151. 


December 25, 2012. “The Best American Poetry 2012” Edited by Mark Doty: Series Editor David Lehman. Lambda Literary. 


December 6, 2012. “The Founding Wheel” by Blas Falconer. Lambda Literary.


2012. "Pleasure" by Brian Teare. Pleiades. Volume 32, Number 2.


2012. "Penetralia" by Richard Foerster. Pleiades. Volume 32, Number 2.


2011. "Rough Honey" by Melissa Stein. Pleiades. Volume 31, Number 2.


2011. "The Art of Description: World into Word" by Mark Doty. Pleiades. Volume 31, Number 2. 

​Fall 2010. Book Reviews. “Carrie Fountain’s “Burn Lake” and “Göran Sonnevi’s “mozart’s third brain” Pleiades.


 Winter 2008. Book Review.  “The World Underneath” by Richard Tayson. Pleiades.


Nov.-Dec., 2007. The Gay &Lesbian Review Worldwide. Book Reviews: “Valentino: A Dream of Desire,”

“A Queer History of the Ballet,”  “Song and Dance Men: Chance and Circumstance: Twenty Years with 

Cage and Cunningham.”


Sept.-Oct.,2007. The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide. Book Review. “Strange Tribe: A Family Memoir” John Hemingway. 


Spring, 2006. Lambda Book Report.  Book Review. “Edgar Allan Poe & The Juke-Box: Uncollected                     Poems, Drafts & Fragments” by Elizabeth Bishop, Edited by Alice Quinn.     


Spring 2006. Provincetown Magazine.  Book Review. “Dennis Rhodes: Poet of the Town Square.”


Spring 2006. Lambda Book Report. Vol. 14. Issue 1. Book Review. “Part of the Bargain, Scott Hightower.” 


Fall, 1999. Book Review. “Briefs.” The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review. Vol.VI. No. 4.

p. 63.     


June, 1999. Lambda Book Report. Vol. 7. No. 10. Book Review. “Breaths in a Mind.” pp. 25-26.


 Fall, 1998. The James White Review.  Vol. 15. No. 4. Book Review.

“From the Devotions.” p. 22.


March, 1998. Lambda Book Report. Book Review. Vol.6.08. “Our Mortal Days.”


March, 1997. Lambda Book Report. Vol. 5.09. Book Review. Felice Picano.

“Caught in the Tide: ‘A House on the Ocean, A House on the Bay.’ ” pp. 11-12.


 Fall, 1996. The James White Review. Issue 50 (vol.13,no.4).

 Book Reviews. “Plush;” “Visions of Dame Kind;” “The Weigh-In;”

 “Sweep.” pp. 20-21.


Spring,1996. The James White Review. Vol. 13, No. 2. Book Review. “The Bad Boy 

Book of Erotic Poetry.”


March/April, 1994. Lambda Book Report. Vol.4. No.9

 Prose: “Queerlit Primers.” Book Review. pp.30-31.






2009, 2010, 2017. “The Age of Innocence.” Based upon the novel by Edith Wharton. Music by Ted Kociolek. Book and Lyrics by Walter Holland and Ted Kociolek from an Idea by Walter Holland.


April 14, 2018. “The Porch at Night.” A Play in Two Acts. Written by Walter Holland and directed by Brian Henry. Performed at The Acting Studio, 244 West 54th, 12th Fl., Room 1209. 

Playwrighting Laboratory. 4pm - 7pm. Staged Reading.

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