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January 29, 2024 through February 26, 2024. Completes a four week artists residency as a poet-in-residence at “South Porch” in Summerville, South Carolina. Gives formal reading and presentation to the community on February 18, 2024.


 2021. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize in Poetry for his poem “The Merchant of Grief” published in "Art & Understanding” magazine.


March, 2002. The Graduate Center, CUNY. 7th Annual English Students’ Association

Conference. “Reflections in the Mirror: New York Mirrors: James Schuyler, Frank O’Hara, and James Merrill, 1950-1960,” Panelist participant.  Moderated by Christopher Voigt with Eileen Myles, Maggie Nelson, Rebecca Reilly.


He was also one of the 2016 finalists for The Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize judged by Mark Doty.


 February, 2002. “Southern Gay Writing.” New York: The Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Community Center. Panelist.  

 March, 1999. Keynote Speaker. Topic: "American Gay Male Poetry Since World War II." First Annual Provincetown Poetry Festival.


May, 1998 - awarded the first The Paul Monette Dissertation Award - presented by the faculty of the Graduate Center, CUNY, for his dissertation: "American Gay Male Poetry Since World War II"


May, 1998 - awarded the first The Paul Monette Dissertation Award - presented by the faculty of the Graduate Center, CUNY, for his dissertation: "American Gay Male Poetry Since World War II"


 June 18, 1997. Panelist. “Writers on Writers.”  Sponsored by Publishing Triangle, Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, N.Y. New York


April 11-13, 1997. Presenter. Allegheny College, Meadville, PA. “History and Memory: Gay and Lesbian Literature Since World War II.”


November 1996 he lectured on "Gay Poetry From 1945 to the Present" at The Stonewall Center, University of Massachusetts at Amherst


 In January 1996 he received honorable mention in poetry for the 1995 David Lindahl  Memorial Prize for Poetry, sponsored by “The James White Review.”


 Summer, 1995. Teacher. G.M.H.C. Poetry Workshop, New York, New York


Spring, 1995. Presenter: “A Panel Discussion on the Centennial of Oscar Wilde.” Out Write '95, Boston.


Spring, 1994. Presenter: “Poetry and Mentorship.” Out Write '94, Boston.

© 2017 by Walter Holland. Website by Deb.

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